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Your words are life

A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare. The tongue of the wise makes knowledge appealing, but the mouth of a fool belches out foolishness. Prov15:1,2. Your words speak life they have the power to build up or tear down, you can calm the stormy seas or fuel a fire. Words are your witness, they tell the world whats in your heart. They will reflect hurt, bitterness, compassion or love and can also release Gods wisdom through you. Use your words wisely as God not only sees the heart but He also hears the words. If you are struggling with a situation ask God for His wisdom that He gives freely to all who ask. In difficult situations be slow to speak to give yourself more time to carefully arrange your words. Praise God today that through His Word we have Jesus the source of our life,truth and salvation. Ask God for His words in all situations so that love and life can always prevail.

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