Allow God to change the way you think to see His best for your life
Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes. Rom 12:2 TPT. God loves you too much to leave you just as you are. As you start to read His Word and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, you will start to see God’s ways unfold in your life. You will be able to discern situations in a different light, as God’s ways become more important than the old ways. As you start to walk with God, the way you think will be transformed, and you will start to walk in His ways that will release you into the fulfilled and abundant life that God has for you. Praise God today that He desires to transform the way we think, so that we can live and experience His best for our life every day.