Delight in the Lord and you will be blessed
Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Ps 37:3-4. Trust God at this time and delight in Him. As you reflect on all that He has done for you, rejoice in Him with a grateful heart. Whilst we live in an unprecedented era, we are not being invaded by a hostile nation and don’t need to live in fear of approaching armies and the threat of losing everything. Our burden is to live at home. We have little food shortages, power, heating and clean water. Whatever we may lose at this time He will restore! Trust Him! We are so blessed, even in this time. Thank God today for His goodness towards us that as we rest in Him, His peace will not leave us, and as we rejoice in all that He has done for us and for all that He will do, we will be safe, blessed and filled with His joy even at this time.