Do not stifle what God is trying to do in your life
Do not stifle the Holy Spirit. 1Thes 5:19. We must not stop the work of the Holy Spirit in our life. God is always speaking to us but we’re not always listening, and if we don’t listen, our own fears or desires will push us further away from God’s will for us. All amazing things start with a single step of faith, and sometimes with fear as God stretches us beyond our comfort zone. But God sees what He has for us, so we must trust Him and take the bold steps as God will go with us. The more we listen to the Holy Spirit the louder and clearer the voice of God will become. The more we ignore the Holy Spirit the louder other voices will become that will take us away from God’s best for us. Praise God today that He’s always speaking to us, and as we spend time with Him each day we’ll sense His guidance with greater clarity, and as we follow His leading, we’ll walk in His best for our life.