Don’t let anger rob you of Gods best for your life
Don’t sin by letting anger control you. Think about it overnight and remain silent. PS 4:4. Don’t allow anger to flare up in your life. Remain silent and allow yourself time to respond, even sleeping on an important issue overnight gives you time to bring it before the Lord and to seek His wisdom. Never make an irrevocable decision in anger that can not be undone as you can ruin not only your own life, but the lives of others. Anger can lead to sin through temper with words said to intentionally hurt others. Reactions made without thought can rob you of Gods best for your life. Praise God today that He is with you always, to strengthen you and to guide you through the intense moments of life. If there is anything you need to sort out with others then do it quickly. Don’t allow open wounds to fester but let the soothing balm of Gods love and forgiveness to bring unity and harmony back into the situation.
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