God’s Word will never fail so trust Him
For the word of God will never fail. Lk 1:37. This is the reality that we should be living in. We should not be giving any problem or situation greater significance than the Word of God and His promises for our life. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. God is the God of the impossible. He created everything that we know and infinitely more that we don’t know, so we should not be limiting our view to what we see, but to what God can do. As we give God the priority in every situation and put our trust in Him, we will walk in His peace as we hand over our issues to Him. As we continue to praise Him and thank Him for the outcome, God will make a way. Praise God today that as we continue r to make God, His Word and His promises a higher priority than any situation we may be facing, He will move supernaturally on our behalf to bring a solution that only He can provide. Prayerchair.org