Don’t be deceived
Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Jn 8:31,32. Gods Word is truth. Sometimes we can be deceived into believing something contrary to Gods Word that will stop us from living Gods best for our lives, such as God can’t forgive me, He cant heal my sickness or there is no way He can sort my mess out, while the actual truth in Gods Word is that there is no sin that you have committed that God cannot forgive, God is a healer, if He can raise the dead He can heal your body, and there is no situation that you are in that God cant turnaround. However, the only way we won’t be deceived is by knowing the truth and Gods Word is the truth. Praise God for His Word today that can set you free from whatever you are facing at the moment. Look to His Word and God will bring you through.
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