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God can move the mountains in our life

The mountains melt like wax before the Lord, before the Lord of all the earth. Ps97:5. Its all about perspectives. To the creator of the universe our mountains pose no intimidation or in fact would disappear at just one word from God. When we come before Him we must remember that nothing we are struggling with is beyond God. In fact He knew where we would be today before we did. There has never been a better time to press into God and to draw nearer to Him than today. As we draw near to Him,we will sense His presence and His peace. As He guides us we will begin to understand what we need to do, to see Him move wonderfully in our life. God created us for personal relationship with Him so that we can step out in faith together with Him,to see Him move the mountains in our life. Praise God today that as we keep close to Him and trust Him we will see the mountains in our life begin to crumble.

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