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God has given you kingdom authority to change your world

And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.” Mat16:19. As an heir of heaven we have been given Kingdom authority to positively effect our lives and the lives of others. As a policeman wears His uniform of authority and moves in the authority given Him, so we as God’s children are like senators of heaven, who have also been given a spiritual armour (Eph 6) and authority to decree into the spirit realm the breaking of strongholds,to set the captives free,to release God’s favour, grace and healing and much more. Praise God today that He has given us kingdom authority to change our world. Exercise your kingdom authority and speak God’s promises into your life and others lives daily,as your words and prayers carry greater authority in the spirit realm than you may actually realise.

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