God is already in our tomorrow, so why worry!
“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Mat6:34. God is already in our tomorrow, so why worry! Let’s live and enjoy today and realise that today is your starting point from where you can decide what to do next. Don’t let your past hold you back from the potential that God has put in you to do so much more. Experience each day for what it has to offer. Savour each meal, enjoy times with family and friends, whilst handing over your concerns and worries to God. Praise Him for the breakthroughs and solutions and as you do, God will start dropping ideas and strategies into your spirit on what to do. God is always with you so don’t leave Him out, or try to do life without Him. Praise God today that you have been created for relationship with Him and together you can do abundantly more than you ever thought possible, at just one day at a time.
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