God’s Word is life
How sweet your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey. Your commandments give me understanding; no wonder I hate every false way of life. Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path..I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. PS 119:103-105,11. Gods Word is life, like green shoots it brings new revelation into every area of our life. Gods Word is a road map for life that guides us and shows us how to draw nearer to God and how to avoid the pitfalls in life that could hurt us. Gods Word is full of promises for an abundant life and as we draw nearer to God and keep His Word in our heart, we will start dealing with situations His way and not our way that will become our natural response and desire. Praise Him today for His Word. Spend time in the Word each day and allow it to reside in your heart where it can grow and bring forward great fruit in your life.
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