God will be your peace while your eyes are on Him
It’s much better to live simply, surrounded in holy awe and worship of God, than to have great wealth with a home full of trouble. Pr15:16. When our eyes are on God we learn to be content in whatever place we may be whether its in either abundance or lack. With Jesus in our heart and our eyes on Him,His perfect peace will be our comfort in all situations. We realise our security is not in wealth, material gain or prestige but in God alone. Those who chase wealth or status are never happy,more is never enough, there is plotting, arguments and strife as their eyes are fixed on things that will perish rather than God who will live forever. God is our provider, hope, healer, protector, redeemer and our all. He is,and has so much more for us than we realise. Worship Him today and come into His presence, let His love surround you and reassure you that with Jesus in you heart you are His forever. Prayerchair.org
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