God will light up the way
As they moved on each day, the cloud of the LORD hovered over them. And whenever the Ark set out, Moses would shout, “Arise, O LORD, and let your enemies be scattered! Let them flee before you!” Num 10:34-35. God’s presence followed His people as they went through the desert instilling terror in the hearts of neighbouring nations who did not know God but could see His presence constantly lighting up the darkness in the distance. Today, Jesus has brought us into a greater place of intimacy with Himself, where He has given us His Holy Spirit to dwell in us. Wherever we go, in the supernatural His glory blazes into the darkness to say that we are His children, protected and covered by God’s grace. In the natural His love overflows through us to touch the lives of those we meet. Praise Him today for His Holy Spirit that dwells in us to illuminate the path before us and to tale us closer to the Fathers heart.
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