If we all treated others as we would like to be treated, most of the problems in our world would dis
“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets. Mat 7:12. What’s in us flows out of us. It’s no surprise that the response we most often receive from others is a direct reflection on how we approach or treat them. As we treat others in the same way we would want to be treated, the quality of our relationships with others will be the best they could be. Do we speak to others how we would like them to speak to us? Do react to others as we have them react to us? Do we give them the time, encouragement, support, love and share with others… (and the list goes on in terms of treating others) as we would like them to treat us. If everyone did this, most of the problems in our world would disappear! Thank Jesus today that He showed us the way to live a selfless life, of giving us His best, so that we too can be a blessing to others.
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