Jesus died and rose again at Easter to give us eternal life
For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. Jn3:16. Today we remember God’s greatest act of love,and His greatest sacrifice. God offered His own Son for our lives. Jesus was born into the world as a human baby to pay the price that we couldn’t pay. He bore all the sins of humanity that separated us from God, upon Himself,and died a horrendous death on a Roman cross that we remember today on Good Friday. But death could not hold Him down,and on the third day Jesus rose again from the dead in glorious victory to conquer death once and for all,for all humanity, so that everyone who puts their trust and faith in Jesus will not die,but have eternal life. Thank God for Jesus today that He died and rose again for us,so that all those who put their faith in Him will not die but live forever with Him.