Jesus is our confident hope
Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. Romans 12:12.
Jesus is our confident hope. When we put our trust and faith in Him we can't help but be confident. When we know that the creator of the universe is for us, knows us by name, and desires only the very best for our life, we can't help but rejoice! Our God is the great Way Maker, and absolutely nothing is too difficult for Him. We must keep praying as that is our communication with God, where we can pour out our heart, needs and concerns to Him. We must also then wait on Him to hear His guidance when we need His direction. When we put our hope in Him, we can rest in Him. He never promised us a trouble free life, but He is always with us, so be patient and trust Him as He makes a way. Praise God today that we're never alone and that He's a prayer answering God who will always make a way as we wait on Him.

"Do not let you r hearts be troubled, only believe in me".Jesus