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Jesus puts our past behind us to give us a fresh Start

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2Cor5:17. Praise God! This is the wonderful hope we have in Jesus. When we ask Him into our heart and ask Him to forgive those things in our life that don’t please Him, He will forgive us and give us a fresh start. However sometimes God will prompt us to deal with past issues that’s often more important in developing who we are, than what we must do. This may be asking for, or granting forgiveness, being reconciled to someone or making restoration. We should not forget that a mistake is not an error unless we fail to correct it. Putting things right is so important as it releases us to move forward with what God has for our life. Thank Jesus today that in Him we are brand new, the old life has gone, and as we walk in his ways and follow His guidance, we will live an abundant and blessed life.

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