Keep asking, never give up.
“And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. Lk 11:9. When we keep God in our focus He will keep us in His. When we keep looking to God for our solution we are focusing on our provider, healer, comforter and peace. We are not despairing or focusing on our plight but keeping our eyes on Him who is able to make a way in all things. Our walk with God is about relationship and constant communication with Him. As we come before Him don’t just look to His hands but also look to His face, His heart and His feet and worship Him. He has already done so much by sending us His son Jesus to pave the way for us to come into His presence. Worship Him today and tell Him how much you love Him. And as part of your worship, share your heart and needs with the Father who is our prayer answering God.
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