Keep close to God and He will strengthen you
The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. 2Chr16:9a. Never give up on God for He will never give up on you. As you press into Him He will strengthen you and support you. Its when you keep your eyes on Him that He can release His supernatural favour to change hearts, open doors, create provision and to make a way where there seems to be no way. His ways are not our ways and His timings are not our timings and sometimes He can see that a delay will create a much better outcome that we may think is unanswered prayer. God is always faithful and knows what needs to happen and when. Never doubt Him! Keep your hand in His hand and He will bring you through. Praise Him today that He will always make a way. Thank Him in faith before you even receive the answer that will strengthen your resolve to hold onto Gods promises until you breakthrough.
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