Keep your eyes on God to keep your peace
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Is 26:3. We must keep our eyes on God who is our shepherd and our peace. Whilst our eyes are on God they are not on our problems. There is no stress or anxiety in God. As we draw nearer to Him, His presence will fill us with His peace. It’s in our trials where the rubber hits the road – do we really trust God or are we going to let what’s happening on the outside determine how we feel on the inside. How we feel should be flowing from the inside in our response to what God says about our situation. God says that He is our peace, Jesus asks us to cast our cares and problems on Him so He can carry our load. If God is for us who can be against us! Praise God today that what concerns us concerns Him. Trust Him, Give Him all your cares, then keep your eyes on Him and He will be your peace in all situations.
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