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Let God’s love direct every action and decision you make

Hatred stirs up quarrels, but love makes up for all offenses. Prov 10:12. Don’t let those who sin against you cause sin in you. You can’t control how people treat you, but you can control how you react. Don’t respond with a reflex reaction. If someone is angry, you don’t have to be angry. If someone brings a heavy atmosphere into the room, don’t let it settle on you. Let the love of God rise up in you to douse the fires that others try to start. As you let your love shine, you will not lose your peace and can diffuse a potentially volatile situation. Don’t let seeds of bitterness or resentment take root as these will darken your heart. Pray for those who hurt you and let God’s love radiate from you always. As you keep your eyes on God, you will get through the most difficult of situations. Praise God today for loving us and as we love others with His love, we can rise above whatever situations we may face.

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