Love God and love each other like you’ve never loved this Christmas
This is real love-not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.1Jn 4:10. Gods love for us was so great that when He created humanity, God knew it would cost Him His Son. The creator of the universe would endure to see His Son descend from heaven to take on human form, be born in a stable and grow into a man before dying a horrendously cruel death on a cross to pay the price we couldn’t pay. Jesus would then ascend into Heaven with His arms out stretched to you and me, saying – the price has been paid come take me into your hearts,you are already in mine, and you can live in joy forever with me.. Worship Jesus today. Thank Him that at Christmas God’s plan for mans redemption manifested itself on earth, in the humblest of beginnings in a lonely manger,that would change the world forever. Love God and love each other like you’ve never loved this Christmas.
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