Love is patient and kind towards others
Love is patient and kind. 1 Cor 13:4. Our love for others should flow from God’s love for us. God has shown us immeasurable patience and kindness, even when we’ve messed up. He doesn’t judge or condemn us, but is always there for us, to help get us back on track. We too must be patient with others, allowing others time when we may be in a hurry, or it’s not convenient. Especially with children, we should never discipline from a place of anger but from a place of love, knowing that they can do so much better. We must never forget kindness, especially in our own homes where no one is watching. God will give us all the time we need, so have time for others too. Life is too busy, and one of the most wonderful gifts we can give to others is our time. Thank God today for His unfailing kindness and patience that’s always there for us. May we too show others the patience and kindness that God’s shown us.
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