Make God’s word core in your life and you won’t be shaken
They have made God’s law their own, so they will never slip from his path. Ps37:31. When we reflect on God’s Word and memorise verses we are putting down foundations in our heart that won’t be shaken. Like foundations on a house that can be built upon to withstand the storms on the outside whilst retaining its strength on the inside,so it will be with those who make God’s word their own. The power of God’s Word to redeem and change lives forever will never change. God’s word is the rock upon which we can stand that will strengthen us as we realise that we are never alone, that together with God we are a majority and that with God we have the advantage. If He is for us then who can be against us. As we make His word our own our core being is strengthened,and whilst we may be buffeted by life we won’t be shaken. Praise God today that in Him we are victorious as we make His Word core in our life.
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