Praising God in our hard times is key to our breakthrough
But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God.” PS 50:23. God’s glory is revealed in our weakness. When we are weak He is strong. When things go wrong that is the time to start praising and thanking God. Its in that place that His greatness can be revealed and we are strengthened. Its where we recognise whats impossible for man is possible with God. Praising God in the midst of turmoil is not a natural response and therefore it may be seen as a sacrifice of praise. Yet when we thank God at these times we step out in faith as we shift our confidence from what we see in the natural to what we know is possible in the spirit. Praise God today. Praise Him even more in the midst of your turmoil as your praise sends out a war cry in the spirit realm that no weapons formed against you will prosper and that with My God I can do all things.
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