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Sometimes we need to trust God and venture into deeper waters to receive the outcome we desire

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.” Lk 5:4. Sometimes you need to venture out into deeper waters to succeed. Simon had been fishing all night without any results. Jesus told Him to go deeper where he found an abundance he could barely contain. Sometimes we need to leave the safety of the shore, trust God, and set out to where it may be more risky and out of our comfort zone to receive the outcome we are looking for. When you are willing to step out in faith and trust God, He will go with you, and together you will do more than you ever thought possible, as God will turn your small step into His giant step. All you need to do is take the first step, and step out in faith believing for God’s best for your life. Praise God today that as we venture out in faith and place greater reliance on Him, we will come through.

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