The closer you draw to God the more you will see Him move in your life
As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. Ps 42:1. The closer we draw near to God the more we will realise and see how He moves in our life. Our relationship with Him is fundamental if we are to trust Him in our times of need. We need to look back at what He has done on our life and also what God has done in the lives of others and realise that the same miracle working God, loves you and desires to also move in your life. God is the same yesterday, today and forever, what God has done before, He can do again, or even something totally new. Seek God with all your heart and He will be found. He is closer that the air we breathe and as we long for Him with all our heart and make Him a priority in our life, we will see Him move in our life. Praise God today that He is always there for us and as we praise Him and walk with Him each day we will see His hand constantly moving in our life.
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