The God who never changes will be your strength in all things
And I said, “This is my fate; the Most High has turned his hand against me.” But then I recall all you have done, O LORD; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago. They are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works. PS 77:10-12. Sometimes when your backs up against a wall or you feel like you’re walking through the valley of the shadow of death, you must keep going, you can’t give up. God loves you far too much to leave you and knows what you’re going through. Remember back to times of victory in your life, the life of others and in His Word to strengthen you. God is the same yesterday, today and forever, and if He’s done it before, He will do it again, in your life, at this time. Praise Him today and each day that He loves you unconditionally and will never forsake you, and that when you do come through, you will be stronger and closer to God who brings you into victory.
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