We must have child like faith to see God’s best in our life
I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Lk18:17. We need to have a child like faith. Children don’t doubt, they don’t question whether their earthly father will continue to feed them, or if they’ll still have a bed tomorrow. They believe their father without question. We must also have the same accepting faith of our Heavenly Father. If He said it, then it’s settled. His Word is His way. As we just accept in our heart the truth and reality of God’s Word we will position ourselves to see the promises in His Word come to pass in our life. As we rest with God and His Word in our heart,we will know His peace in our life. God has an eternal plan of favour and blessings for your life. Don’t let doubt rob you of God’s best. Praise God today that as we trust Him without doubting, His eternal favour, grace and mercy will never leave us. Prayerchair.org
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