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With God we can overcome all fear

The LORD is my light and my salvation – so why should I be afraid? The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? PS 27:1. Fear is not from God, fear expects the worst and is the devil’s playground with our mind. The devil wants to bring us down, but God wants to lift us up, to strengthen us, to fill us with his love and to reveal His glory in every area of our life. Don’t allow fear to take hold, don’t accept that medical report but look to God’s report that says you are healed, redeemed, set free and I will take care of you. God’s love for you can conquer all problems or difficulties in your life. Don’t let fear grip your life. Look to God, keep your eyes on Him and stay close to Him in prayer and His Word. Praise God today that He will bring you into victory in whatever you’re facing today. The closer you stay to Him, the greater your peace, joy and confidence in Him will be.

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