Your thought life shapes your destiny, don’t limit or leave God out of your thought life
For as he thinketh in his heart so is he. Pr 23:7. Your thought life shapes your destiny. If you say you can’t- then you won’t. If you say its too hard- then it is, if you say it’s not meant for me, then it won’t be. This is not God’s way. These are faithless responses ignoring the fact that God is always with you, and with Jesus in your heart, you can do all things. If God is with you who can be against you, you and God are a majority in all things. You were created to be the head and not the tail. If you say you can, then with God’s help you will. Never retreat into your comfort zone or allow yourself an excuse for not achieving. God has put seeds of greatness into your heart that were designed to bear fruit beyond your wildest expectations as you trust God. Praise God today that He created us in His image and given us His Word as revelation of the incredible things we can do in Him.
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